Sunday ~
I'd hope that the slogan for Ice Skating Mom's is as menacing sounding as the Hockey Mom's saying but I doubt it. I'm sure it references frilly outfits when it really should address our tolerance of freezing temperatures inside of the rink. Funny thing is, when it's signal digits and snowing outside it actually seems warm in the rink ~ to others!
Diva received her progress report Sunday night. Seems her 'swiggles' (obviously a technical term) need improvement. I planned on inserting a video here but after 3 attempts I gave up; seems the rulers of blog land felt the video of Diva doing her wiggly skating wasn't required here.
Monday ~
Today I took full advantage of the the kids being in school. I actually worked for 4 hours uninterrupted. While I didn't finish my project, knowing I can actually focus on something longer than 10 minutes (roughly the time span allowed between 'Mom' calls when the clan is home) is golden.
I finally finished reading Alan Greenspan's book The Age of Turbulence. While it was interesting reading about his take on various leaders around the world and past Presidents, I would not suggest this book to anyone looking for a 'curl up in bed' book. Well, unless thousands of acronyms and explanations about economics is your thing then by all means rush right out for this bad boy.
Currently taking book reading suggestions ...
Tuesday ~
The kids are up earlier than normal; it's a snow day. Local weather casters have once again dazzled us with their superior knowledge of weather systems and instrumentation. Despite all their fancy viper, doppler and infrared radars the storm is 'hard to read' so we are left with a 2-12 inch snow fall projection.
By my scientific process (look out the window, eyeball the depth by the amount on the roof of the bird feeder, and note the sagging branches of the trees) I'd call it 7 inches of wet heavy snow; it's 7:30 am. Time to suit up and snow plow.
I totally rocked hubby's blaze orange snow pants with my red nosed wind blown frozen hat hair look. I stopped plowing from time to time only to blow my nose but wonder if frozen snot on my face I would have drawn cat calls from the local snow plow driver as he passed by. Hindsight is 20/20!
Wednesday ~
Full out Christmas present panic mode. If you've been reading my blog for a while we all know how that one typically turns out. On the bright side, all the Christmas cards have been mailed.
PS - Dear Kohl's Order Fulfilment, I am still awaiting my shinny new black Kitchen Aid 5-quart mixer ordered on black Friday. Santa's Sleigh has yet to deliver. What do I have to do to convince you to ship my mixer? I am not above groveling. You are so totally ruining my children's dreams (sending them into near hysterics) of baking home made cookies and ginger bread houses for Santa this year instead of bag mix cookies and a boxed house kit.
I'd hope that the slogan for Ice Skating Mom's is as menacing sounding as the Hockey Mom's saying but I doubt it. I'm sure it references frilly outfits when it really should address our tolerance of freezing temperatures inside of the rink. Funny thing is, when it's signal digits and snowing outside it actually seems warm in the rink ~ to others!
Diva received her progress report Sunday night. Seems her 'swiggles' (obviously a technical term) need improvement. I planned on inserting a video here but after 3 attempts I gave up; seems the rulers of blog land felt the video of Diva doing her wiggly skating wasn't required here.
Monday ~
Today I took full advantage of the the kids being in school. I actually worked for 4 hours uninterrupted. While I didn't finish my project, knowing I can actually focus on something longer than 10 minutes (roughly the time span allowed between 'Mom' calls when the clan is home) is golden.
I finally finished reading Alan Greenspan's book The Age of Turbulence. While it was interesting reading about his take on various leaders around the world and past Presidents, I would not suggest this book to anyone looking for a 'curl up in bed' book. Well, unless thousands of acronyms and explanations about economics is your thing then by all means rush right out for this bad boy.
Currently taking book reading suggestions ...
Tuesday ~
The kids are up earlier than normal; it's a snow day. Local weather casters have once again dazzled us with their superior knowledge of weather systems and instrumentation. Despite all their fancy viper, doppler and infrared radars the storm is 'hard to read' so we are left with a 2-12 inch snow fall projection.
By my scientific process (look out the window, eyeball the depth by the amount on the roof of the bird feeder, and note the sagging branches of the trees) I'd call it 7 inches of wet heavy snow; it's 7:30 am. Time to suit up and snow plow.
I totally rocked hubby's blaze orange snow pants with my red nosed wind blown frozen hat hair look. I stopped plowing from time to time only to blow my nose but wonder if frozen snot on my face I would have drawn cat calls from the local snow plow driver as he passed by. Hindsight is 20/20!
Wednesday ~
Full out Christmas present panic mode. If you've been reading my blog for a while we all know how that one typically turns out. On the bright side, all the Christmas cards have been mailed.
PS - Dear Kohl's Order Fulfilment, I am still awaiting my shinny new black Kitchen Aid 5-quart mixer ordered on black Friday. Santa's Sleigh has yet to deliver. What do I have to do to convince you to ship my mixer? I am not above groveling. You are so totally ruining my children's dreams (sending them into near hysterics) of baking home made cookies and ginger bread houses for Santa this year instead of bag mix cookies and a boxed house kit.
Chicklet and I are still home (this stomach bug sucks) and I haven't been able to get any work done with all the gingerale runs, "mommy rub my tummy", take the dogs out to do their thing in the snow... and Christmas shopping? Hopefully his weekend.
Love your new sig!!!
ALAS! I wasn't first!!!
I hope my order from Khols the other day doesn't take that long!
I am totally with you on the Christmas panic. I've been sick too, so I've barely gotten anything accomplished. It's a good thing I can kick ass under pressure, right? Frankly, it's all giving me such a pain this year, I wish I had it in me to just not do anything, but I always guilt myself into it anyway.
Hope you're feeling better too...
What a week. It's been in the 80s here, and the snow I did see on my little trip to CO was tempered with lemon drops... I so meant to get one of those mixers!!
Christmas panic. Done. Christmas cards? Not done. And I am jealous of all your snow! We haven't had much at all yet!