NO-O-O-O-O!!! I'm so sorry. (Please don't tell me that you got a flu shot and this happened anyway. I just couldn't take it.) I'm sending you virtual hugs and virtual healing from the Virtual GNO. Oh Blarney. ((hug))
Hey girl! Hope you are feeling better soon - though you were right by my house when you visited the Domes. Ok, not right there but within distance!! Geez, what does a lassie have to do to get coffee?
Oh no!! I'm so sorry, sweets. Hang in there and feel better soon.
OH NO! Hope it passes quickly!
Hope you feel better soon!
Try to have a relaxing FFF.
I really hope your insides don't look like that pic, Ewwww! Sorry that you feel that way though. I hate being sick.
Get well soon. That flu is miserable.
Feel better soon! BTW...that is one wicked looking tree...especially when you click on the picture to see it full size...yikes!
Hope you feel better soon!!
I'm so sorry. (Please don't tell me that you got a flu shot and this happened anyway. I just couldn't take it.)
I'm sending you virtual hugs and virtual healing from the Virtual GNO.
Oh Blarney.
Hope you're feeling better! We've been lucky so far (crossing fingers).
Hey girl! Hope you are feeling better soon - though you were right by my house when you visited the Domes. Ok, not right there but within distance!! Geez, what does a lassie have to do to get coffee?