First off let me thank all who have sent messages wondering where I have been. It's been a very, very hard year and holiday season. As many of you know this June I lost my mother at the young age of 57. With her passing I have been caring for both my Father and Grandmother.
At 4am Christmas morning I received the call that my Grandmother had passed peacefully in her sleep. At the age of 92 she lived a long fulfilled life and we are thankful. Her passing has flooded my emotions with sorrow over not only the loss of her but also her daughter, my Mom.
As I begin the process of closing out my Grandmother's estate this New Years I have decided to dismiss the New Year's resolutions. Instead I have decided to wish for a less turbulent year in 2009 for not only my family but yours. I look forward to catching up on each and every one of your blogs inbetween getting my life back in order.
I hope each of you have a Happy New Year and can't wait to hear all about it.
At 4am Christmas morning I received the call that my Grandmother had passed peacefully in her sleep. At the age of 92 she lived a long fulfilled life and we are thankful. Her passing has flooded my emotions with sorrow over not only the loss of her but also her daughter, my Mom.
As I begin the process of closing out my Grandmother's estate this New Years I have decided to dismiss the New Year's resolutions. Instead I have decided to wish for a less turbulent year in 2009 for not only my family but yours. I look forward to catching up on each and every one of your blogs inbetween getting my life back in order.
I hope each of you have a Happy New Year and can't wait to hear all about it.
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Thinking of you and hoping 2009 is a year of happiness and healing... for lots of us :). Take care!
So sorry for your losses. I can imagine this is a very difficult time.
WIshing you lots of peace and love in the coming new year.
So sorry for your losses ((hugs))
Grieving is such a hard process to go through. It isn't quick tears at a funeral and then you're done, especially if it is a close family member or in your case two dear ones within a few months.
In any event, this Christmas season would have been hard on you no matter what, as it is the first Christmas without your mom, but given the fact that you are the caretaker of the family elders it is two-fold. When the oldest in the family passes on, it is just so hard because it makes you the next in line and you start considering your own mortality and what your life is all about.
I am sorry for your losses. I will be praying for God's healing hand to comfort you. It certainly is not going to be easy these next few days getting your grandmother's estate settled, but you seem like a very competent individual and I look forward to hearing from you when you are up and able to resume your blog.
Thinking of you!
I so know where you are right now. We lost both of Mr. Snoots' parents within 7 months of one another, to cancer. It was a horrible year & we had lost our two best friends.
Grieve all you need to and with time it will get easier to live with.
My thoughts & prayers are with you...
Oh geez Blarney, I'm sorry... You are right though, at 92 it's almost thankful. Hang in there
I'm so sorry. It's so hard to say good-bye.
We lost a beloved family member Sunday night and I'm still bawling daily. All my sympathy to you and yours.
You are a constant in my life Blarney. Can't explain it. You just ARE.
I am so, so sorry to hear this news about your Grandmother.
I hope that you have time to be quiet and find strength. And that you know you are supported. What ever you need... just ask.
~((hug)) Ann
Sending you a big hug and lots of love!! Hope you are ok. I am sure this is such a hard thing to go through.
xoxo - Kat
I am so, so sorry, Blarney. And I had wondered about your mom, wondering why you think I remind you of her. 57 was very young for her to go.
The first Christmas is the hardest, I know.
I hope that you can rest up, heal from another loss, and then write again.
Write about your mom. Write about your grandmother.
But don't try to rush the healing part. I heard a long time ago that we should take our time getting back to ourselves....
Ah, sweetie, I'm so sorry it's been such a rough year. I have a feeling in my bones that 2009 is going to be awesome!
Yuck...I am thinking about you. Hope the new year brings peace and happiness to you and your family.
I am sorry for your loss...but 92 years on earth is pretty amazing! I am sending you lots of prayers. You are a strong woman! 2009 is going to be a great year for you!
I'm just checking in again. (Because that's what I do.) I hope you're all right.
Blarney ~ I hope you are asleep right now...gathering energy for a new day.
Here is to an easy and happy 2009. You have been through so much, wish I was there to have some wine and make you laugh!
I'm sorry to hear this news. I hope '09 is a blessing for you and your family. Miss you in blogland! Take care of yourself.
I am still thinking of you and praying that all is well. You are loved.