I have been lost amongst the pile of what is everyday life and have forgotten what its like to take time for myself. I have a lot to say, just not the time in which to day it or so it seems.
How are you handling all you juggle? I must be doing something wrong.
Step 1 - Review the list of blogs you haven't been reading. Wow! Over 100 posts for the majority of my reading list. Awesome. Make note to visit my reading list more often.
<15 minutes>

Step 2 - Begin scrolling through each bloggers 100 or so posts and reading what catches your eye. Oh! ~ look at all the new changes, linking, pinning! Make note to read up on all the new things ~ there sure are a lot.
<2 hours>

Step 3 - While zipping around sites realize you haven't posted in like forever. Make a note to post again.
<5 minutes>

Step 4 - Hit up a few blogger tips sites only to realize all you knew about blog design, feeds etc is practically old school in less than a few months. Okay lets be realistic ... I haven't blogged in a long time and that's all I'm going to say about that.
<30 minutes>

Step 5 - Attempt to log in to your blog via the new tablet you were given only to find the software does not appear to link. Uninstall. Install. Research and find the app has reported bugs. Scratch the tablet idea.
<30 minutes>

Step 6 - Open laptop. Find software & browser updates are needed. Not to mention your blog host has site updates to learn / navigate.
<30 minutes>

Step 7 - Begin posting about how old school you now feel.
<15 minutes>