I can officially report the 'bubonic' began to subside on Sunday morning. I'm still taking a dose of Mucinex to get through the day but I'm no longer in danger of overdosing on the stuff. A big relief for both my sinuses and my pocket book.

A while back our family was catching up on our "O" dvr series and viewed the vegetarian episode with Michael Pollen and a plethora of other vegan guests. As previous viewers of Pollens' food documentaries, we knew we were in for some moments of grossness but we deffinately didn't see what happened with Dearest Daughter coming.

After watching our fearless reporter tour a meat processing plant, the announcement of Meatless Monday movement began. Without hesitation Dearest Daughter suggested we should join the movement. While we all thought it was a great idea and we praised her for suggesting it, I never really kicked off the movement in our house after she mentioned it. Busy schedules, finicky eaters, no recipes ... you name it.

I guess it takes a near death 'bubonic' infection to make one really admit "I really should start eating healthier" or "Maybe if I/we ate healthier I/we wouldn't get so sick." So today I spent a few hours researching & ordering a couple of vegetarian cookbooks on-line. To be clear ~ I'm not looking for or jumping on the tofu movement. I'm just looking for some meatless healthy choices to help our family lean into one or two days a week vegetarians.

Upon the arrival of my new cookbooks, I've decided to start a Meatless Monday recipe review on my "The Occasional Recipe" page. I will list the entire recipe, acknowledgements, a picture or two and our families review of the meal ~ the good, the bad and the ugly.

If you or your family is interested in joining us for the challenge I encourage you to become a 'follower' or RSS the Occasional Recipe page now. If you decide to join Meatless Monday or try any of the recipes I list  I'd love to hear about your progress as well as reviews of any recipes!
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